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Our Team

Our team of highly skilled registered hygienists, expanded function dental assistants, and technicians, are experts in their fields with a combined 300 years of experience!

The entire team is dedicated to highly personalized and customized patient care, guaranteeing every patient has a smile that exudes pride, beauty, and wellness.

Dr. Chris Theodorou

Dr. Chris Theodorou

Founder and Owner, Dr. Chris Theodorou is a Cleveland Native and comes from a long line of dentists. His blend of expert skill with a warm approach makes patients feel comfortable and assured.

Dr. Theodorou received his Doctor of Medical Dentistry Degree from Tufts Dental School in 1994 and passed the National Boards in 2000. He has headed several successful dental practices in the greater Cleveland, Northeast Ohio, and Toledo areas and has appeared on WKYC-TV, WOIO-TV, and other Cleveland media outlets for his expertise in the field of laser dentistry and dental health.

Certified in Lumineers, Invisalign Orthodontics, IV Sedation, Sleep Apnea/Snoring, and Laser Technology, Dr., “T.” as he is known to his team and patients, is focused on offering Cleveland the best the dental industry has to offer.

Dr. Theodorou has treated thousands of patients locally and abroad including in Greece. He is a member in good standing of the Greater Cleveland Dental Society and Ohio Dental Association as well as the American Dental Association.

Schedule Your Appointment Today